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MJH school hope artists treat everything in the life should have a fashionable attitude to an artist, the standards for the best things in life.


The Chinese cultural renaissance MJH school has been the direction of our efforts, we hope the MJH artists can take the Chinese culture to the world stage, the ethnic flag is inserted in the fashion world.


MJH that creation and imagination is the source of vitality of the artist, so we asked artists in the professional and technical and cultural expression above can continue to play to their imagination, to bring the world more original works.

艺术家们应该愿意和他人分享创新的技艺、 分享优秀的作品、 分享生命的感悟、分享所有美好的事物,分享他们对艺术执着的精神。

Artists should be willing to share the innovation and the skills of others, to share the excellent works, sharing life, to share all the good things to share them, dedicated to the art of spirit.


MJH and actively participate in international professional technical exchanges, the national culture and the world first-class image design technology, many in the technology innovationin the creation of many excellent works of art. MJH faculty are constantly challenge themselves, all the way, the professional art college to become global in scope, on behalf of the Chinese family name of modern design educationbenchmarking.


MJH image design art occupation training schools to focus on curriculum and the practicability is famed industry, isChina professional image design art school leader. All authority in technology and curriculum development,employment and development, teaching mode, teaching management and other aspects of the national leading level,and has gradually become the industry benchmarking. MJH school for many years by the competent department of the government awards, has won the community and the financial department issued a "national makeup Manicureteacher occupation qualification examination designated unit", "national makeup Manicure division examination unit","designated training institutions", "entrepreneurial fixed-point training institutions", and had a great influence and high popularity in the Internet and social media.

通过多年的品牌沉淀,现已具备专业化、规范化的教学管理与技术研发,与知名时尚企业果石(cools)集团联合建立专业的技术研发团队与研发中心Cools Nerve Center(神经中枢),年度技术发布会已经成为行业技术创新的风向标。并将技术研发与学校的教学课程相融合,不断革新教学方式,不仅与一线实战高度结合,而且都是行业稀缺的新技术,这也是满江红学员广受用人单位争抢的原因。

Cools Nerve Center(神经中枢)为业内专业的时尚与视觉设计研发机构,作品和技术一直引领行业 时尚风向。

Through years of brand precipitation, now with the internationalization, standardization of teaching management and technology research and development, combined with well-known fashion company COOLS group set up a professional technical team and R & D center Cools Nerve Center (CNS), annual technical conference has become the vane of industry technology innovation. And the fusion technology R & D and school teaching curriculum, reform teaching methods, not only highly combined with frontline combat, and are the most new technology industry is scarce, this is MJH student wide for unit for reasons.

果石(神经中枢)cools nerve center


MJH not only for students to provide the actual employment channels, help students to find suitable work, is alsoattached great importance to the development of students' employment post, and through the annual survey on the development of students' employment post, challenging curriculum design. Hope can not only let students successful employment, but a can get sustainable development ability is good, the students employment and development has always been the MJH is not force direction, is the core of MJH good reputation:

满江红与果石(Cools)集团旗下果石摄影(Cools photo)结成战略合作伙伴关系,并开设专门针对果石摄影的定制课程,学院毕业后经过考核可以直接在果石摄影对口就业,并配备专业的职业规划与晋升体系。

Sacred and GuoShi (Cools) group GuoShi photography (Cools photo) strategic partnership, and set up specifically for custom GuoShi photography, after graduating from college, through examination can be directly employed in GuoShi photography counterpart, and equipped with professional career planning and promotion system.

Sacred shooter with well-known network technology company chuangyi PlayArts cooperative development of large fashion industry recruitment website LINC JOB also provide students with a lot of jobs, and the sacred students free development, give priority jobs.

满江红与知名网络技术公司普雷创艺PlayArts合作开发的时尚行业招聘网站LINC JOB也为学员提供大量的工作岗位,并对满江红学员免费开发,优先推荐就业。


And sacred, including personal image design co., LTD., and sacred sacred modeling STUDIO, diffuse model MI - STUDIO, a wholly owned subsidiary of MJH international etiquette training, etc, also provide many related to sacred graduate students.

Sacred to the national thousand established cooperative relations of choose and employ persons, unit of choose and employ persons all the year round to provide a large number of jobs, covering the country. Some directional employment enterprises every year held in the sacred school (casc) large.



MJH not only for students to provide the actual employment channels, help students to find suitable work, is alsoattached great importance to the development of students' employment post, and through the annual survey on the development of students' employment post, challenging curriculum design. Hope can not only let students successful employment, but a can get sustainable development ability is good, the students employment and development has always been the MJH is not force direction, is the core of MJH good reputation:

满江红为了确保学员能够获得扎实的基本功, 采用规范化的 EvaluationStage(进阶考核)教学进度控制体系,每一位学员在入学后就会建立标准的学习进阶档案,考核和记录会精确到每天的学习内容,并在每月都有的考核,毕业时会有发布会式考核。

MJH in order to ensure that students will be able to obtain solid rated basic, using the international standardEvaluationStage (advanced examination) the progress of teaching control system, every student will establishstandards of learning advanced archives in school, check and record accurate to every learning content, and had a large check on a monthly, graduation there will be a large conference examination.The core competitiveness of MJH and in practical teaching system is particularly evident, because many employersMJH and including fruit stone group, estab lished a deep relationship.


MJH not only for students to provide the actual employment channels, help students to find suitable work, is alsoattached great importance to the development of students' employment post, and through the annual survey on the development of students' employment post, challenging curriculum design. Hope can not only let students successful employment, but a can get sustainable development ability is good, the students employment and development has always been the MJH is not force direction, is the core of MJH good reputation:

满江红学校拥有国内专业的教学力量,不仅有化妆造型业界泰斗讲学,也有化妆造型职业资格考评员、 高级技师、 武汉大学客座化妆讲师、 组成的专业师资团队教学,所有任职教师均具备多年一线时尚圈化妆造型工作经验,并全部持有高级化妆师证书。

自2014年开始,满江红形象设计艺术学校与时尚造型风向标果石Cools Nerve Center(神经中枢)强强合作,不仅能享受正规专业彩妆院校的教学氛围和扎实的学院派技术教育,也可以得到 Cools Nerve Center 核心技术团队的手把手实战指导,直接掌握全国造型师争相模仿的果石Cools Nerve Center造型技术。

满江红师资团队已经成为国内时尚行业的中坚力量,专家团队成员长期受邀成为国际赛事及明星演唱会在中国中部地区的首选合作伙伴。在高端形象礼仪服务、化妆造型艺术教育、 服装模特造型、时 尚摄影造型设计、 演艺明星形象设计、 庆典造型设计、时尚杂志封面及各类专题栏目化妆造型等领域具有丰富经验和独特的艺术视角。

MJH school has a leading teaching force, not only have the makeup industry mogul lecture, also have nationalmakeup occupation qualification examination, the national senior technician, Wuhan University guest lecturer,makeup consisting of professional teachers team teaching, all teachers are preparing for a fashion make-up work experience, and all hold the national senior make-up certificate.

Since the beginning of 2014, MJH image design art school and fashion vane fruit stone Cools Nerve Center (CNS)Qiangqiang cooperation, can not only enjoy the formal professional makeup college teaching atmosphere and a solidacademic and technical education, also can get fruit stone Cools Nerve Center (CNS) a practical guide to core technology team in hand to hand, directly grasp the stylist to imitate stone Cools Nerve Center fruit (CNS) modeling technique.

MJH team of teachers has become the backbone of the domestic fashion industry, expert team members have longwas invited to become a major international events and star concert in the central region of China preferred partner.With rich experience and unique artistic perspective of service, in the high-end image of etiquette Makeup Art Education, fashion modeling, fashion photography design, image design, performing arts star design, large-scale celebrations and other fashion magazine cover and all kinds of special column make-up etc..


MJH image design art school Chinese school, is located in the National Center of the city of Hubei in Wuhan Wuhan, with a total of Wuchang campus and Hankou campus in two large campus fashion. MJH school around professional, fashion, the pursuit of new and creative brand idea, giving students an excellent learning and living environment.


MJH school in Hankou Jianghan Road commercial centre, built the magazine make-up photography laboratory, equipped with VIP star dressing rooms and international standard commercial photography studio, for students to create the Azolla unique simulated work environment learning atmosphere.


自2008年开始举办多届学员毕业化妆造型作品发布会,并参与国际时装周发布,学员在短短的学习期内取得的技术成绩受到业界的广泛认可和好评,其中受到全国热捧的有2010MJH《神作》发布会、2011MJH《梦想》、2012MJH 、2013MJH《新 纪元》发布会、2014MJH《天马行空》发布会,发布会全面展示了学员们扎实的基本功与行云流水的艺术想象力,验证了学校的教学成果。

MJH Image Design Art School perennial sponsor related public service activities, work together the CCTV and BONS large corporate sponsors two-time National Collegiate the workplace Championship "in 2008, 2009, and the whole image design for players training.

MJH Image Design Art School to actively participate in all competitions organized by CCTV, China's New Silk Road Model Competition, American NBA cheerleaders trials, Global Miss Bikini, national fashion Championship players, Hubei COSPLAY contest, national dance elite challenge race and other fashion events and provide technical support to China's new Silk Road Model Contest in 2009 organizing committee as a "annual fashion enterprise".

MJH image design art school based on a strong sense of corporate social responsibility as the fashion industry benchmark, attaches great importance to cooperation and promotion of the industry. The MJH Image Design Art School perennial invited to the Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, many colleges and universities to carry out the fashion knowledge lecture and provide related technical exchange.

Wuhan University invited to carry out promotional activities of the charity fashion knowledge - MJH "beautiful classroom college lecture tour, aimed at popularization of the concept of image management to the University, further the overall image quality of Chinese college students to start by 2007. Has been invited to organize fashion knowledge large lecture at Wuhan University, Central University for Nationalities, Hubei University of knowing College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Hubei University of Economics, Hubei Vocational Technical College, including colleges and universities.




First of all, through the assessment, can obtain the Wuhan MJH image design art occupation training schools awarded the corresponding certificate "MJH image design art occupation training school technical certification".And while studying in school uniform for the State Labor Department of "OQC" and the Chinese Ministry of culture awarded "advanced image designer certificate"; in addition, the student will receive excellent in character and learning in school, MJH image art occupation training school "MJH annual new image of the design division" certificate of honor.

  • 化妆
  • 美甲
  • 半永久
  • 皮肤管理
  • 摄影
  • 饰品制作
  • 喷枪
  • 都想学
  • 零基础
  • 略懂一二
  • 寻求提升
  • 自我提高
  • 就业
  • 创业
  • 其他
  • 满江红形象艺术学校 武昌校区 电话:17798245820 地址:武汉市 洪山区 街道口 珞珈山大厦A座4层
  • 满江红形象艺术学校 果石摄影实习基地 地址:武汉市 江岸区 卢沟桥路5号
  • 满江红形象艺术学校 就业指导中心 地址:武汉市 洪山区 街道口 珞珈山大厦A座403室
  • 满江红形象艺术学校 果石CNC研发中心 地址:武汉市 江岸区 卢沟桥路5号
  • 满江红形象艺术学校 湖美艺术研发中心 地址:武汉市 武昌区 中山路374号 湖美昙华林4号楼
  • 版权所有:武汉满江红形象设计艺术职业培训学校武汉 | 鄂ICP备11009943号-2

    鄂公网安备 42011102005158号

    • 化妆
    • 美甲
    • 形象设计
    • 学历教育
    • 其他
    • 都想学
    201 336
    彭* 137****1942 荆州市 10分钟前
    段** 139****2683 洪山区 20分钟前
    石** 185****6193 江岸区 30分钟前
    王* 133****6461 宜昌市 30分钟前
    顾* 159****7099 恩施市 1小时前
    雷* 188****5261 孝感市 1小时前
    孙* 134****5552 襄樊市 1小时前
    林** 182****6631 黄冈市 1小时前
    黎** 177****2054 东西湖区 2小时前
    肖** 176****4684 仙桃市 2小时前
    张* 155****0811 荆州市 2小时前
    杨* 135****1423 仙桃市 2小时前
    彭** 137****1942 荆州市 2小时前
    李* 155****8171 汉阳区 3小时前
    王* 156****2301 吉林 3小时前
    陈* 159****9619 宜昌市 3小时前
    汤** 175****3061 恩施市 3小时前
    喻* 187****7787 荆州市 4小时前
    柯* 182****0846 宜昌市 4小时前
    龚* 158****0938 随州市 4小时前
    王** 186****8966 咸宁市 5小时前
    邓** 185****3239 信阳 5小时前
    田** 132****0830 黄陂区 5小时前
    邓** 186****0916 蔡甸区 6小时前
    田** 159****2994 襄樊市 6小时前
    王* 137****2478 东西湖区 7小时前
    骆* 173****2906 黄陂区 7小时前
    季* 134****7753 咸宁市 8小时前
    张** 189****1367 江汉区 8小时前
    谭* 134****5768 武昌区 8小时前
    叶** 187****0910 江西 10小时前
    阮* 186****6800 江夏区 10小时前
    潘** 136****0191 汉阳区 10小时前
    马** 158****0466 襄樊市 1天前
    刘* 185****1778 潜江市 1天前
    项* 186****8119 宜昌市 1天前
    董** 178****8042 十堰市 1天前
    李** 158****1334 咸宁市 1天前
    杨** 132****3989 江汉区 1天前
    严* 134****7753 武昌区 1天前